Purpose Exploration and Team Empowerment

Organizational Dev.
Future Thinking

Purpose Exploration, Interim Management, and Team Coaching, as we navigated through unprecedented times to chart a clear path forward.

Purpose Exploration, Team Coaching and Team Empowerment

Amidst the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, our collaboration with SUPER-RTL was a testament to resilience and adaptability.

The project revolved around Purpose Exploration, Interim Management, and Team Coaching, as we navigated through unprecedented times to chart a clear path forward.

Purpose Exploration During COVID

  • Remote Purpose Exploration: Despite the physical constraints, we embarked on a remote journey of Purpose Exploration. Our goal was to uncover the essence of the team's shared purpose and meaning.
  • Hedgehog Synthesis: Through a meticulous process akin to a hedgehog synthesis, we distilled the core values, passions, and aspirations that defined the team's identity.
  • Purpose Statement Development: From this strong core, we crafted a Purpose Statement that served as the guiding star for the entire organization. It became the bedrock upon which strategies would be built.
Visible Purpose, Articulated Strategy

  • Transparency and Alignment: We made the Purpose Statement visible to the entire organization, ensuring that every team member understood their role in achieving this shared mission.
  • Concrete Strategy Development: Building on the Purpose Statement, we developed a concrete strategy that outlined the steps and actions needed to realize the team's goals.
  • Guidelines, Principles, and Standards: We established guidelines, principles, and standards to ensure consistency and cohesion in all organizational activities.
Team Empowerment and Ownership

  • Clarity in Roles: The project brought clarity to each team member's role and responsibilities, fostering a stronger sense of ownership and accountability.
  • Strengthened Domains: As team members understood their specific contributions, the project bolstered expertise within different domains.

Through Purpose Exploration, remote teamwork, and a commitment to transparency, SUPER-TL emerged from the COVID-19 crisis with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. The project not only brought the team closer but also equipped them with the tools and mindset to face future challenges head-on. Our collaboration was a journey of discovery, empowerment, and resilience, showcasing the power of purpose in navigating uncertain times.

Project Duration: 3 yrs.

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